College Students: Warning Signs
College students may act in different ways when dealt large amounts of stress partly because of their age and partly because of their unique schedule and life as a college student. For many students, the first warning sign is pulling out of activities they once liked and pulling away from friends and roommates. The below warning signs are pulled from Western Michigan University and were created to showcase how college students may act when suicidal and/or struggling.
A suddenly worsening school performance. Good students who suddenly start ignoring assignments and cutting classes may have problems-including depression or drug and alcohol abuse-that can affect their health and happiness and put them at risk of suicide.
Unhealthy peer relationships. Students who don't have friends, or suddenly reject their friends, may be at risk. A friend who suddenly rejects you, claiming, "You just don't understand me any more," may be having emotional problems.
Indications that the student is in an abusive relationship. Some young people may be physically or emotionally abused by a member of their family or their girlfriend or boyfriend. Signs that a person may be in an abusive relationship include unexplained bruises or other injuries that he or she refuses to discuss.
Signs of an eating disorder. An eating disorder is an obvious sign that someone needs help. A dramatic change in weight that is not the result of a medically supervised diet may also indicate that something is wrong.
Difficulty in adjusting to sexual/gender identity. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered young people have higher suicide attempt rates than their heterosexual peers. These youth may be faced with social pressures that make life very difficult.
Depression. Depression is an emotional problem that increases a person's risk of suicide. The following signs indicate that someone may be depressed:
Withdrawal from friends and extracurricular activities
A sudden, unexplained decline in enthusiasm and energy
Overreaction to criticism
Lowered self-esteem, or feelings of guilt
Indecision, lack of concentration, and forgetfulness/Restlessness and agitation
Changes in eating or sleeping patterns
Unprovoked episodes of crying
Sudden neglect of appearance and hygiene