49% of college students experience symptoms of depression
73% of students who suffer from a mental illness don't seek help
Stress In College
Types of Stress in College Students
Stress For First Year College Students
For first year college freshman, this new experience can be even more nerve-racking and scary. Students are typically just out of high school and have just went through a very anxiety driven event in graduating, figuring out what to do, and finding a school to attend. As they start college, students typically don't understand how independent it can be as they begin. A new living environment, sometimes with other people, the first time living away from family, difficulty making decisions independently, being required to manage sleep and eating on their own, balancing finances, and worrying about meeting people, starting classes, and making friends are all stressors for a first year college freshman. The availability of drugs, alcohol, parties, and having sexual freedom can also add into the stress of college students.

College and Bullying
Statistics show that most bullying occurs within middle and high school, but the unfortunate truth is that college bullying also exists. In fact, some studies show that more
than 25% of college students have said that they have witnessed some form of bullying among college students while on campus. Statistics on cyberbullying are even higher. We think it's important to spend time focusing on college bullying as many people assume bullying is over after k-12 schooling. Also concerning, over 15% of college students say they have been bullied by a teacher or professor. By the time students get to college, many people figure they shouldn't have to learn how to deal with bullies at school. But as noted above, the sad reality is that bullying doesn't necessarily end at a students' high school graduation.
Instructor on student bullying is more common than you may think and can have long lasting mental health damages. It's necessary to report all bullying to college officials, even if the bullying is a school staff member or administrator.